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Main » 2011 » May » 27 » The results of the "uCoz video tutorials" contest
The results of the "uCoz video tutorials" contest
7:02 PM
"uCoz video tutorials" contest has finished. All the participants were able to demonstrate their skills in creating video tutorials for the system users in this contest. About 350 video tutorials were added to the contest all in all. It was not an easy task to select the best. But we honestly looked through all the projects and we are ready to announce the results.

Let me remind you that the contest was held on two websites: Russian and English sites of the contest. We have decided not to separate these contests and their participants. So all the projects, no matter which language they were in, had equal chances to win. The fact that the majority of the winners are Russian projects shouldn't amaze you. The number of projects added to a Russian website was much bigger than the number of projects at win.ucoz.com. I hope that our western users would be able to appreciate the skills of the winners in spite of the language barrier.

You can see the winner projects in the following nominations:

The best uCoz Web Service overview video

The main winner gets a video camera Sony HDR-CX130E and the "Basic" package of services for 1 year..

The best uCoz feature expose video tutorial

The author of the tutorial gets 100 WMZ (or 100$ added to the account of the website owner), "Basic" package of services for 1 year, uCoz souvenir from our shop at his choice.

The best video tutorial in a foreign language

The author of the tutorial gets 100 WMZ (or 100$ added to the account of the website owner), "Basic" package of services for 1 year, uCoz souvenir from our shop at his choice.

The best voice narration

The author of the tutorial gets "Basic" package of services for half a year, uCoz souvenir from our shop at his choice.

The best idea

The author of the tutorial gets "Basic" package of services for half a year, uCoz souvenir from our shop at his choice.

The best video effects

The author of the tutorial gets "Basic" package of services for half a year, uCoz souvenir from our shop at his choice.

Top views

The author of the tutorial gets "Basic" package of services for half a year, uCoz souvenir from our shop at his choice.

Besides, we have decided to reward the following authors by providing "Advanced 2" package of services for one year:
  • Myzon and his video tutorials has impressed us with his knowledge of website creation. And this author is only 11 years old!
  • Elliott Mangham has pleasantly surprised us with his creative attitude to making overview video about uCoz.
  • Denis Giriaev has impressed us with the number of his video tutorials for the contest.

All the contest participants have received “Basic” package of services for 1 month, as promised. To check it go to Control Panel -> Paid services and make sure that 3.09$ have appeared at your account (it is a cost of a "Basic" package of services for 1 month). If this amount hasn't appeared, send a personal message to the website administrator Olsiva. Provide the link to your video tutorials + the website address (where to transfer money to)

The website administration will contact all the winners in the course of a week to discuss the ways of receiving the prizes.

Our congratulations to the winners!
We would also like to thank all the participants for participating in the contest.
Category: Results | Views: 10717 | Added by: Olsiva
Total comments: 4
3 CreativeCollusions  
Hello sorry but I have received $3.09 in account although I was to get “Advanced 2” package of services for one year?

Sorry again, and thank you smile

4 Olsiva  
$3.09 was received for participation in our contest. Now you will receive a letter about on what website do you want to get your “Advanced 2” package. Check your PM today and tomorrow smile

1 Allex  
"it is a cost of a “Basic” package of services for a year" it's for 1 month, please correct happy

2 Olsiva  
Thanks! smile Corrected.

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